Web Chatbot Client

Bot Backend: Dialogflow V1 Api
Chat Window Style: Popup
Star Fork


Copy the webchat_client.js file from the dist folder to your static directory and add the following code

Note: Currently it only supports the V1 api of dialogflow. Support for V2 will be added soon.

<div id="webchat_client"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="{Path}/webchat_client.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var config = { color:"#4d7e80", title:"Demo Bot", style:1, buttonOpen:"help", backend: { "type":"dialogflow_v1", "token":"<your_dialogflow_token>" } } $(document).ready(function(){ webchat(config); }) </script>

The style parameter can take two options: 0 for popup and 1 for slide